Saturday, December 02, 2006

cleaning fairies

Why haven't the cleaning fairies come to my house. I leave plenty of messes for them to clean up. Just once, I'd like to get up in the morning and the whole house be clean! I'd even settle for just the laundry fairy. I've decided it's just about near impossible to really have a clean house. I swear, I don't know how other people do it. I go into other peoples' houses - sometimes unannounced - and it looks like no one lives there. Where is all their crap? Why are their counters clean? Where is their bread? coffee cups? sippy cups, dried up spaghetti or mac and cheese? where are their dirty rags? where? where? where? I just don't get it. It makes me feel very inadequate. I've spent the last 24 hours cleaning just a few rooms in my house. I held an open house for Pampered Chef and I needed it to look presentable. To do that, my children had to be confined to the upstairs with my husband. Then my husband took them out and drove them around for 4 hours. Within 10 minutes of arriving back home, the place was trashed. The upstairs is awful! I dread even attempting to get that straight. Fairies, where are you!

1 comment:

Blogger profile name said...

Sorry I wasn't there today. We had 11 a.m. basketball, 2 kids in the parade today, then Hayden had swing choir practice (which he'd forgotten, so I didn't even know we'd have that). I did actually work in a little Christmas and grocery shopping with no kids during the waiting periods, but I haven't even finished emptying the car!