Thursday, April 12, 2007

Beauty Queen?

Ok, I'm flipping throught the chanels and I end up on VH1's Beauty Queen Showdowns. I'm not actually sure that's the title, but it might as well be. I am horrified by this behavior. These mother's dress their little girls in these absurd dresses, spray tan them, color, tease and spray their hair into 1950's unnatural hair doos - especially for 5 year olds - and I just discovered tonight that they wear something called flippers that are fake teeth. It's what gives them the really creepy smiles and hides their baby teeth and any that might be missing. Doesn't this creep you out? God I hope so. I swear, there is a personality dissorder that must be associated with these mothers. And, there is always a flaming gay guy that knows way too much about all of the ins and outs of the things. What is wrong with these people? And if you defend it, all I can say is stop the madness!

1 comment:

Blogger profile name said...

You have got to rent the movie Happy Texas! Absolutely hysterical, and you will get a kick out of it after watching that show.