Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Crazy Freakin' Drivers!

I know everyone complains about the drivers they are stuck with, but let me tell you, this area is full of some no-driving *************! On my way back from the Y today, I was at a stop light that is ill equipped to handle the traffic that passes through it at certain times. I had a red light and I needed to turn right and immediately get in the left lane. I could have turned right and stayed in the right lane, but then I would not have been able to make my left hand turn a half block away. Plus, this is the turn lane to access the highway. (I've been beeped at in the past for not making this right hand turn on a red light because I couldn't get in the left lane.) Anyway. I waited for my light to turn green. When it did, the driver coming from the left decided she wouldn't wait for the next set of lights and so she pulled out into the middle of the intersection, blocking my right hand turn. When traffic moved enough for her to be out of my way, not one, but two cars turned LEFT infront of me! Outrageous! Once I had finally turned and was on my way, an oncoming car decided to use my lane (I happened to still be using it) as an extention of the turn lane he wanted to be in. Crazy Freakin' Drivers! It's so bad, I actually stopped a policeman in the grocery store one day and asked him who had the right of way when a lane ended. There have been a number of times when my lane hasn't ended and the other driver has beeped at me or flipped me off. I think Georgians may need a refresher course on driving!

1 comment:

Marti said...

Some Marylanders need courses too. I almost got rearended twice today.