Sunday, December 30, 2007


for about 3 minutes! We just returned from Bass Pro shop, where my middle child, who's 2, was lost. My oldest is 4 and I haven't lost one yet, but my dear hubby managed to lose her. Now, this is the least likely of the 3 to go missing, so it truly scared me. I didn't realize just how much until we found her.

Here's the story. I take child #3, also known as spitfire, while hubby takes children 1 and 2. He's looking for gloves, I'm looking for crowd control! Within about 5 minutes of us separating, I'm paged to customer service. He's there with child 1 but not child 2. Where is she? I ask. She's lost. That's why I had them page you.

Now, I don't dissolve into tears or anything, but I'm not wasting time either. She's 2!!! Hubby tells me not to panic. Not really the right thing to say. So, we part ways again and start searching for her. Now despite that he told me he's let 'them' know, no one else that works there seems to be concerned. So, I stop 2 employees and tell them what's going on. They issue a code Adam. (For those of you who don't know, employee's won't let small children leave the store with anyone and they monitor who leaves while they are on the lookout in the store.) Obviously, hubby had not covered this base as he thought. Within a minute of my stopping this employee, it comes back that she is at customer service. I quickly head over there and my hubby is already there with her. Turns out she hadn't gone far and someone had found her and was returning her to customer service when my husband ran into them. As I come up, he tells me once again not to panic. Now, there are many problems with this statement. First of all, I'm not really a panicky person. Second of all, he really doesn't need to be telling me anything at that point.

Anyway, I started to cry (I'm also not the crying type) when I saw her. What a relief! Once the adrenaline had started to wear off, it dawned on me that my hubby was probably really telling HIMSELF not to panic. I also started thinking that if the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't want him to be mad at me. (Oh, yea, I was mad!)

So, all's well that ends well. I'm not mad at hubby. Lest likely to dissappear is fine, as are her sisters. And, hopefully that will be the only 'lost' story we have to face in our family!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

OMG, scary story...I would have freaked!