Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cleaning frenzy

I have been in a cleaning frenzy lately. You'd never know it to look at my house though. A clean space around here last about 2.7 seconds and that's it. For example, 2.7 seconds after I mopped the kitchen floor, Riley spilled her entire cup of milk on it. 2.7 seconds after I cleaned the bathroom floor, Rachel peed on it. yea!

So I've spent allllllll morning cleaning my upstairs. Not the whole upstairs either. Just the bathroom and I've been doing laundry. It's 3:00! My word. Of course most of the time I've been cleaning, the girls have been un-cleaning. I did put them to work cleaning some stuff up here. It's not been a fun day for them. They've kinda been left on their own while I've been knee deep in all this crap.

Of course I haven't even thought about the downstairs.

But now, it's naptime. Nice quiet peaceful naptime. Shhhhh!


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Congrats on getting things cleaned. I wish I had more to offer you in the way of encouragment for things staying clean, but honestly, my house stays clean until my kids get home from school. It's so sad how quickly things deteriorate once they're all back home again! I'm thinking when my "nest is empty", my house will finally stay clean.

Anonymous said...

Teach them to clean up theeir mess like you were taught! love, dad