Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Swimming Lesson

Today we had swimming lessons for Rena. She really likes swimming despite the rough beginning. (She threw up on the way, because I was driving like a maniac trying to get there on time. We were 20 minutes late.) I actually made it on time with a few minutes to spare...a real rarity for me. I had packed bathing suits for the twins and myself. I swam laps while Rena had her lesson and then I decided to get Ray and Riley out of the day care so they could swim too. It was their first time in the pool and I learned a few thing. First of all, it's difficult to watch 3 no-swimming girls in a public pool. I kept losing Rena. I might have to dye her hair a really wild color so I can spot her immediately. Second, election day/schools out is probably not the best time for a pool initiation. Third, the child-proofing test child(that would be Riley) needs to be watched extra carefully in the pool. All in all, it went pretty well once we got there. Rena had fun playing with the swim instructors daughter, Rachel learned to bounce in the water and Riley learned to go under...3 times. All is well that ends well and I had 3 sleepy girls on the way home. That gave me a little time to explore the area.


Blogger profile name said...

You are one brave woman! I don't think I could have handled all of them at the pool.

Amy Witt said...

Three in the pool...been there..Love your blog. I too am a former teacher, SAHM and have twins. But my twins came first and are now 6 and my singleton is 2. Oh yea, and they are all boys.

Love the posts.