Sunday, February 24, 2008

Big Apple Circus

Last Thursday, we went to the Big Apple Circus. A family event. Actually, a pretty rare occurance for us. It was GREAT! If they ever come near you, you should go. It's a one ring circus and no one sits more that 50 feet, that's right, feet, from the ring. It's small, but the performance was great. They had clowns, animal acts and acrobats. My girls were entralled. Rena laughed through the whole thing, Riley was fascinated with the acrobats and Rachel loved the music. All three of them were focused on the show most of the 2 hours. Blair and I were too. While I thought the whole thing was great, my favorite part had to be the end of the show when the acrobats stole the show. They did all the flipping, jumping death-defying acts you could want. Their skill was incredible and breath-taking. Most of what the did involved stilts. Now, if you popped me up in the air like they did to these guys, I would probably do all the flips and turns too. Probably not as gracefully. And I can pretty much guarentee that I wouldn't be able to 'stick the landing' on 2 sticks, muchless one. That's right. One guy did it on one stilt. Now that's impressive. If you get a chance, google them and see if they are coming your way soon. I think it was $29.00 apiece and the twins got in free. Worth every penny. And we got to spend time together as a family. Priceless.

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